February 02, 2010

Empty calories: Avoid them at all cost

In the field of nutrition is the concept of "empty calories". There is plenty of "food" (I put in quotes because of the low nutritional value) that we should avoid if we want to lose weight.

These foods do not provide us anything, maybe a momentary pleasure because they tend to be very tempting. I'm not saying that you can not eat occasionally, but better if we leave for special occasions and not for our daily diet.

Examples of foods with empty calories

The first thing it comes to your mind is alcohol. I do not mean a glass of wine or a beer at lunchtime, I mean things such as whiskey or gin.

Beer and wine are good drinks for the circulatory system (certainly more than once I have heard on TV), but a gin and tonic, will not add anything positive to our body, unless, as I said before, is that cooling power it has. Although, who refuses to take 2 or 3 at a party with friends, but you know, those days do not count 

The second is all kinds of bakery products. They contain so much sugar and trans fats better left aside. While it is true that some of these cakes contain other elements that we can feed (protein, fiber, etc.), the percentage it represents is tiny.

Finally, another clear example of food with empty calories are the goodies. They are 100% sugar, and surely you can not eat just one. So better not try them on days you do diet, since, among other things, they certainly triggers your hungry (as I wrote in this article on carbohydrates and hunger).

So all these "foods" better separate them from the diet. Anyway, if you are very hungry, or occasionally you want to take a rum and Coke, of course you can do, but on days off in which recharges batteries to restart the diet the next day. Meanwhile, focus on what you eat, nothing more.

You can also try losing weight with the Fat Burning Furnace program. I highly recommend it, for more information Click Here!

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