February 26, 2010

How to train without going to the gym. You can do exercise at home.

We know how difficult it is sometimes to have the willpower to go to the gym. Either because it is away from home and we are too lazy to go or because we simply have no time. But that should not be an excuse for not doing exercise at least at our house. It is obviously not the same as going to the gym, but we'll see how well we can go, slowly noticing improvements.

I have items at home! What can I do as chest exercise?

Imagination to Power! With packages such as rice (1 kg.) or water bottles we can simulate a dumbbell, with the advantage that we can add more or less weight (we put more or less water as we do repetitions).

Still, making a small investment of less than 50 dollars, you can have a pair of dumbbells, two dollars weighted (to put in your ankles or wrists) and a rubber band. It will be more comfortable and help you improve more quickly and effectively.

Shall we begin?

Back at home

The human body has 3 large muscle groups:

* Pectoral
* Dorsal (back)
* Quadriceps (leg)

These are key and are the first ones that we must work.

Here I enclose 3 exercises you can do at home to work on these 3 muscle groups. For starters you can do 3 sets of 15 reps per exercise. Two days a week. With that, we harden a little, your body will burn more calories and this will positively impact our weight.

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Abdominal Exercises

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I published another article by Andreu. In this case, it briefly explains how to exercise abdominal muscles correctly. Hope you like it.

Abdominal exercises

Abdominal muscles training is subject to many myths and misconceptions (localized loss of fat in the abdomen by "abs" exercises and progressions less than ideal for training, etc. ..)

The use of machinery, belts and creams, etc.., In order to promote the development of abdominal muscles and reduce abdominal fat is a product of marketing and sales based on false beliefs and lack of a physiological reality.

Many people think of abdominal exercises as the "panacea" for the reduction of fat accumulated in the area. All this "seasoned" with proposals, machines and equipment have a small or no impact on the work of the area and boosted by television advertising. The reality is that the abdominal muscle training is done on many occasions, using an inappropriate methodology and misaligned objectives in relation to the real possibilities for improving this musculature.

Making a good workout for abs

There are many reasons for working the abdominal muscles but, unfortunately, the reality is that most people use these exercises for a purpose primarily esthetic, you want a "marked" abdominal and is thought to perform the best abdominal exercise to achieve this.

There are several reasons that could be invoked to justify the need for an nice belly get ripped abdominal conditioning, and are not esthetics, among other things, for doing abdominal exercises will not get cut the fat in that area and have a defined and visible abdominal muscles.

Clarifying that, the use of body fat does not depends on localized exercise of the involved area. Abdominal exercises are exercises localized, involving low energy expenditure.

The key to highlight abs: lose fat

Despite the need to tone abdominal muscles, be more convenient to achieve a loss of fat, aerobic exercise, which produce greater abdominal fat mobilization by the existence of more B-adrenergic receptors (stimulators) in the abdominal area, also follow a proper nutrition and eating habits and also, of course, work the abdominal muscles together with a general strengthening.
General rules for exercising the abdominal muscles

To do exercises that strengthen abdominal muscles, you should follow these general rules: Flag abdominal

1. Provided that you exercise your abs, make sure your lumbar spine is supported on a suitable surface.
2. Avoid exercises that may be hurting the psoas or arching your back.
3. Do each exercise as slowly as possible.

In conclusion we would say that to cut the fat from the abdominal area so we can define this a little more muscle we:

* Taking care of our food.
* Exercise general fitness.
* Exercise aerobic-cardiovascular.
* Perform abdominal.

Our proposal is this:
3 days a week, aerobic work. It can be:

* Run soft
* Walk fast, uphill.
* Rowing.
* Bike.
* Or any cardiovascular machine in a gym with (cross-trainer, elliptical ...)

A moderate intensity, about 30-40 minutes.

It is a medium intensity work where you really burn fat. If we combine this with a little work with weights and abdominal conducting get a belly smooth and well toned.

3 days a week doing sit-ups is more than enough. And as already noted there is no need to do a lot, but do them with quality. Between 30 and 100 in total (depending on your level) is more than enough.

Then we leave 3 videos to guide you and you may be able to exercise the abs correctly.

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Doing abdominal exercise correctly

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I leave another article by Andreu

In that letter informs us of how we exercise our abs efficiently. Hope you like it.

How do I exercise the abs?

Abdominal Exercises Many of us know what "costs" do abs. They are heavy, tired, tired, angry ... A few people like them. We said in a previous article that we had to do a lot, it was not necessary. Still, those who are overweight know that we make an abdominal is more expensive than for someone who is overweight. We also know that many people are not familiar with the technique (or knowledge, because of his physical condition prevented him be successful.). Surely many of you give me the right when you say you really have noticed on occasion cervical pain or discomfort in any part of the back when you are carrying out the abdominals. That means you're forcing too much the neck, instead of doing abdominal work that is what it is.

I'll give a little trick with the aim of improving the technique for doing sit-ups, and in your houses that you can practice without any problems. Just you need a small towel and a surface that allows you to be stretched without feeling any pain in his back. Above is aimed at overweight people or people who have never done sit-ups.

The technique is simple. Estiraros the floor with legs bent (do not care if they are suspended in the air at an angle of 90 degrees or flat on the floor.) And with the back completely stuck in the ground. The small towel os You put it just below the head. Then it is simply catch with his hands the ends of the towel and pull as if to touch the ceiling. You'll see the top of the back off without any tension or notéis neck or the neck. Remember, that your lower back always has to be glued to the floor when doing sit-ups.

We put a video where you can see the movement. It is with the towel, but if a machine which tend to have almost all gyms and for working the abdominal body properly without notice any extra stress.

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Avoid heat stroke

Heatstroke during sports activities. I leave an article by Andreu. He speaks of heatstroke and is a very consistent theme in the times ahead.

The post is aimed at preventing heat stress when we do sports, but can be applied to everyday life too.

Remember that Andreu can design a personalized exercise program for weight loss for you.

Hope you like it!

How to prevent heatstroke

Now arriving on hot days many people are preparing to go to the beach with a little less weight and is released to exercise. One of the most common practices is to go running, walking or cycling. Within minutes feel like the temperature rises and we should take some precautions.

Although the human body is an almost perfect machine when it comes to regulation of body heat in hot or very cold days the mixture of heat and exercise can saturate this capacity and we can lead to dehydration, muscle cramps and heat stroke, which is a major medical emergencies.

The best defense against heat is physically fit to accompany the few simple steps, follow them and you're away from the "hot issues".

1. Drink before, during and after exercise. Half a glass of water before enough. Although you are not thirsty.
2. Try to replace fluids that you lose about a half-drunk glass of water every 15-20 minutes.
3. It replenishes lost electrolytes with sports drinks.
4. Avoid very sugary drinks, the body needs much time to assimilate.
5. Exercise in the cooler hours of the day.
6. If possible change your place of training to locations covered and well ventilated.
7. Use cotton clothes and better colored.

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The importance of stretching in sport

Biceps stretch as usual, this is an article by Andreu. In it, he explains the importance of a good stretch before exercise. As you know, Andreu you can design an exercise plan to lose weight as if groan to your page. Hope you like!

Stretching prior to the pectoral excersises

Before a workout or training whatever, it is always advisable to heat gradually so that the body adjusts gradually to the efforts made and then a step to avoid possible injury. But if it's important before, not less so is the later. What should we do once we've finished exercising? Then do a good stretch.

When we exercise, our body's muscle fibers contract (either eccentric or concentric) and is due to the contraction that can generate force. Now, when we finished our session we worked muscles that have just entered into and through the back stretch to its natural position. If stretching exercises will not make, our muscles would overloading, and would suffer high risks of tendonitis, an elongation, a muscle tear ...
Benefits of Stretching

* Prevent injuries such as pulls.
* Reduce muscle tension and makes the body feel more relaxed.
* Help coordination by allowing freer movement and easier.
* Increases range of motion.
* Helps muscle recovery after exercise.
* Increases the elasticity of muscle and tendon.
* Aids circulation to create some vasodilation

In the following pictures you can see how to stretch the biceps and pectoral:

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February 24, 2010

What are we doing wrong in the gym?

I leave an article of Andreu. He can advise you, while designing a personalized exercise plan to help you in your weight loss (or to achieve the goals that you propose to yourself).

You know what things we do wrong at the gym? Andreu explains:

What are we doing wrong in the gym?

Many people go to the gym and not get the expected results. At first probably notice a marked improvement but later find themselves stuck and do not know very well why. Here are some of the reasons why this may happen:

10 Common Mistakes

1. Drink some water. It is necessary to drink before, during and after exercise. The body is well hydrated if not, does not perform at peak levels.
2. Feed sparingly. When we sport our body burns more energy and therefore we also asked for more food. It is important to eat something before exercise (fruit, some chocolate ...) and try to do 5 meals a day.
3. Overdressing during exercise. Many people believe that when you sweat more, lose weight. This is completely wrong. If you sweat excessively and become dehydrated our low performance.
4. Not following a workout. You must have a plan your workouts. Well trained in a balanced way and not overtraining.
5. Not respecting the holidays. Is linked to the previous point. The body improves and note the benefits of sport, when you rest. You have to know listen to the body and rest when we ask.
6. Train a muscle injury. The body is wise. It warns us ahead of any problem. If we notice a pain, a prick or discomfort in our body it is best to stop.
7. Perform abdominal with straight legs. For an abdominal is effective and safe, you always run it with your knees slightly bent, if you are running with straight legs only hurt your spine and also the efforts made by the abdominals will be lower.
8. Pedaling with a bicycle saddle too low. If you pedal the bicycle saddle too low you can seriously damage your knees and cause injury. The proper seat height is one in which the legs are almost straight in each pedal having a toe resting on the pedal.
9. Avoid exercise during menstruation. Moderate physical activity during menstruation, will help combat menstrual tension, improve circulation and will retain less fluid.
10. Obligation to do physical exercise. This is like studying. If one has no desire for more hours that pass in front of the book will not learn anything. The sport has to be pleasurable. An activity to improve our health. Surely among all sports and physical exercises that exist are those you like best and more closely match your needs.

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Exercise in pairs

As you know, Andreu is dedicated to design training plans for people who want to exercise. In this case, Andreu has written an article on the benefits of exercising with a friend. He also sent us some videos where he explains some simple exercises. Andreu If you want to design a personalized plan not hesitate to enter www.estarenforma.net.

I step article

Two better than one

Among many of the excuses that we get to play sports is not having to go it alone or lonely. Many people (especially girls) who do not like going to the gym alone or did not dare take a walk or "sports" if it is in someone's company. So for many, having an activity partner makes us more active and do some exercise.

Being two people and without any material we have a wide range of opportunities to train and harden a little body.

We can strengthen our arms, shoulders, legs, buttocks ... A myriad of exercises to get no excuses to have a healthier body. Always remember that before you get to exercise need to warm up well, and after the session is necessary to stretch and recover better and avoid injuries.

Want to try out a diet program that I highly recommend, than Click Here! for more information.

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Setting objectives

As I said, I'm new here;). To begin, I hang an article sent to me by Andreu. As you know, he can advise you and will design a specific table for you to lose weight. The article discusses the purpose of set goals once we decide to exercise. Hope you like it.

The definition of objectives in sports

Running Machine

Normally one aims "to improve general fitness, but that's not enough. What does improve fitness? We have to realize the objectives.

We have to start targets. For example:

* Content: I want to increase my endurance.
* Size: To what extent I want to increase it (I want to be able to walk up the stairs 5 floors without stopping. Or you want to be able to run 30 minutes at a pace slightly)
* Weather: In how long I want to achieve this goal. 2 months, 3 months ...

From this definition of objectives, it will be easier to get them (provided of course, we know how to do to achieve that goal). Important objectives that are realistic and progressive. To do this I need to know where we started. If we have a sedentary lifestyle can not hope to run the half marathon in 1 hour (with a few days of training) or several kilos in weight loss few days.

If we are scoring goals by stages, gradually, not just getting going to go but our motivation to go further.

Want to try out a diet program that I highly recommend, than Click Here! for more information.

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Vibration Platforms, help you lose weight

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As usual, you put an article by Andreu. This time is about vibrating platforms that help you lose weight. The truth is that I have not seen any, but would not hurt to try them. I hope you like the article.

Platforms vibratory

Platform vibratoriaPeriodicamente come on the market new products or "inventions" that help us to improve our quality of life, fitness, lose weight. From creams that mobilize fat, pedal with which to exercise their legs while watching television, from passive gymnastics, electrostimulation, abdominal machines do, the new trends in aerobics (cardiokickboxing, batuka ...), different types of spinning, the new wii-fit and as are not: end brands. Whenever something comes out with the aim to get fit and lose weight with little effort, has successfully secured (at least until the time it is discovered that is not all that glitters gold).

The idea of vibrating platforms is beneficial to reproduce the vibrations we have in normal locomotion (when we travel, walking, running ...). These vibrations are transferred throughout the body have many benefits for the entire skeletal-muscular system.

The operation is not complicated, gets up on the platform and indicates that part of the body you want to work and depending on the machine indicates that this position be taken over the machine to start working.

With vibration, the muscles contract, the pulse rise, increases blood circulation and long-term, reinforcing bony structures, may also increase the waste of calories and raises metabolism.

It is recommended to be at most about 15-20 minutes over the platform.

But nobody takes deception. The vibrations alone do not lose weight. Mobilize fat and that makes it easier (as long as you eat well and exercise regularly), you can lose weight faster.

And it is true that makes your muscles and bones are more reinforced. It gives you a good base to stay.

And now touches a question: What have objective, to stay as I am or trying to improve my physical condition? If I have the first target vibration platforms are a good option to keep my state, but if you want to improve, then I will have to resort to other methods in combination with the platforms.

GIMS Many have already purchased this type of machinery. Personal trainers with their clients use them at the beginning of the session, then perform it and the session itself (toning, cardio ...)

In recent times, due to high demand and the emergence of many manufacturers have dropped prices, but before you buy should reflect if we really needed or not.

Platforms yes, but not a panacea. We never tire of repeating the same: toning, cardio and nutrition. The 3 basic rules. That adds to this is support that we welcome it. And a fourth rule that is often forgotten: the rest. Least 8 hours sleep, makes us better regulate our metabolism and makes your body better assimilate what we in everyday life (food, training ...).

Want to try out a diet program that I highly recommend, than Click Here! for more information.

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Shoes and sports

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As usual, Andreu sent me an article written by him. This article discusses the laces and sport. It is interesting that you read it, then you can address many questions (and misconceptions) that you may have.

The terrible soreness

A lot has been written about the soreness. Why do appear, as do to avoid them, once we have them as we do to reduce your pain ... Many myths have made people believe things that really are not true respect for the laces.

The laces are strong pains that appear after sports or physical activity and prevent us from moving normally. Appear between 12 and 48 hours after sport.

Appear for a number of reasons:

* Make physical activity at an intensity too high.
* Make an activity and some specific movements that my body has never done.
* Exercise training after spending a long time without exercising.
* Do not warm enough before you start playing or coaching.

The laces have is neither good nor bad. It depends. If I wear one months training and doing bicep with a lace-deportemancuerna 5 kilos, at some point I'll have to climb Quilaja so that the body does not stagnate and to improve. If just a month after lifting those 5 kilos, and I do biceps with 7 kilos, that's new for the body. The body must adapt to this new stimulus and logically the next day my body will notice that effort again. In subsequent training my body will adapt and after doing biceps soreness will not have 7 kilos (I have done my body stronger). Therefore in this case will be good to have them. If you're reading this article, for 1 year (for example) that you go to the gym and throughout the year have not ever had soreness is not you force your machine and you should increase the intensity of your training for improvement.

How to reduce your pain?

The most effective way is to redo the same exercise that has given me the laces but less intense and less weight. In the case of the biceps a solution would be to take a dumbbell of 3 kilos and do a few repetitions. If we just stay at home idly can spend a week with soreness. The other way of disappearing overnight.

For those who do not do much sport, start slowly. Many people make the mistake of going one day, crushed everything he can and is two weeks without moving or looking forward to going to the gim. Slowly progressive. No hurry.

And the sugar water is useless. One of the myths that I spoke. It was thought that muscle soreness occurred due to lactic acid crystals and dissolve sugar crystals. Big mistake! Lactic acid disappears two hours after sport. And the laces are well behind, without having anything to do one thing with another.

So you know, it heats before training, progressive intensity and if you have soreness the next day, doing the same exercise but at a lower intensity.

Want to try out a diet program that I highly recommend, than Click Here! for more information.

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February 07, 2010

Starting from scratch

Lose weight with your PC. Click to try DietPower.

All we have had good times, regular times and bad moments in life. If you're in one of the 2 latter cases, maybe your food (and especially, motivation) is being affected by the problems you have.

I bet that one day you feel like eating well, another day you're not hungry and eat anything you find in the fridge and the next you just eat as it was the last time.

Far from continuing this way of eating, you must focus, a plan and stick to it. After that, dial one day in the calendar is the day to start from scratch with your power and put the definitive course towards your ideal weight.

Charting the ideal plan

We are very forgetful, so the first thing to do is grab a piece of paper and start writing our plan, so that we consult if one day we started to wander again.

In this plan, you must put questions as:

* What should I do to lose weight? (diet are going to continue, the exercise you're doing, etc).
* What schedule will I follow for meals? (the 5 main meals of the day).
* How long do I have to lose those pounds? (Be realistic and put on a long-term).
* When can I eat a whim? (of this I would like to talk in future posts).

The perfect day to start

Once drawn the plan, you should mark a day to begin without an excuse. It can be a Monday, one day you start with a vacation or just after Christmas day. That day should be relatively close, ie, do not make that day for another 6 months because then the motivation will disappear. I would say that, at best, would be prowling a week or so.

Until that day comes, come as you see fit, but be aware that you are in the final days of your "former life" and that will be the last days that you will not pay attention to your diet. All that will change soon because you know it has to.

Get to it!

The perfect day comes, begin it with joy. Grab your list just get up and read it to not forget anything. This list will be part of your life and you have to know it by heart, with your diet, your exercise schedule, your planned diet and days that are going to give you a whim.

From that day, stop being such a careless person who just watched what he ate and you will become a new "I" to watch your diet and will lose weight week after week, month by month, gradually, without haste and head.

Since that day, start your new life, with each passing day be healthier than the last, and where the negative thoughts about food will not have room in your head. You're going to take a radical change to the way you eat, and what you will notice that much on clothes and in your way of being. You'll be younger, leaner, better looking and more sure of yourself. Is not a cause for rejoicing every day? I think so.

Want to try out a diet program that I highly recommend, than Click Here! for more information.

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February 02, 2010

Empty calories: Avoid them at all cost

In the field of nutrition is the concept of "empty calories". There is plenty of "food" (I put in quotes because of the low nutritional value) that we should avoid if we want to lose weight.

These foods do not provide us anything, maybe a momentary pleasure because they tend to be very tempting. I'm not saying that you can not eat occasionally, but better if we leave for special occasions and not for our daily diet.

Examples of foods with empty calories

The first thing it comes to your mind is alcohol. I do not mean a glass of wine or a beer at lunchtime, I mean things such as whiskey or gin.

Beer and wine are good drinks for the circulatory system (certainly more than once I have heard on TV), but a gin and tonic, will not add anything positive to our body, unless, as I said before, is that cooling power it has. Although, who refuses to take 2 or 3 at a party with friends, but you know, those days do not count 

The second is all kinds of bakery products. They contain so much sugar and trans fats better left aside. While it is true that some of these cakes contain other elements that we can feed (protein, fiber, etc.), the percentage it represents is tiny.

Finally, another clear example of food with empty calories are the goodies. They are 100% sugar, and surely you can not eat just one. So better not try them on days you do diet, since, among other things, they certainly triggers your hungry (as I wrote in this article on carbohydrates and hunger).

So all these "foods" better separate them from the diet. Anyway, if you are very hungry, or occasionally you want to take a rum and Coke, of course you can do, but on days off in which recharges batteries to restart the diet the next day. Meanwhile, focus on what you eat, nothing more.

You can also try losing weight with the Fat Burning Furnace program. I highly recommend it, for more information Click Here!

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5 steps to reestablish your metabolism

In my life I have done many foolish things to lose weight. All that stuff had a common denominator, and it was the lack of information.

There have been periods where I ate very poorly, and still believed he was doing well and that this was going to lose weight properly.

It is true that while losing weight short term, ultimately it has not done more harm.

These bad decisions (made, as I say, for lack of information) are those that should prevent anyone who was first put on a diet. What I have read and, above all, experience has shown me that following these simple tips, not only lose weight properly, it is possible that if you are starting to cost thin, turn up the wick from burning fat Again, accelerating your metabolism.

Steps to start accelerating your metabolism

The first step is easy. Just have a breakfast.

Do not go to the office with a coffee in the body with the excuse of saying "I'm not hungry in the morning" or "no time for breakfast. Get up a little earlier, get a healthy breakfast and eat it. This is the mistake I've done for many years, and is the error that has made me more damage, since no breakfast makes your metabolism still go on sleeping, even though we stay a couple of hours awake.

Second step, do not skip meals.

You have to eat 5 or 6 times a day. Not worth skipping breakfast and then have a snack. Eat while you're not hungry, but do it. Years befor I just ate too much for lunch and dinner. Now I distribute meals, and so I spend most of the day without hunger.

Third step (and this is a continuation of above), eat the amount of food that you eat no more, no less.

I remember when I had a season in which boiled beans dined alone, was awful. And worst of all, I thought I was doing well! Do not feed me enough, and this made my metabolism began to unbalanced. Therefore, follow the diet you follow, do not get no food. Eat everything you share in the appropriate amount, and if you do not like what's there, bite the bullet and do eat i!

Fourth step, drink water before you get thirsty.

This is essential to avoid dehydration, drink water before you get thirsty. Before I simply take two or three glasses of water a day. Now I take the bottle every time I sit on the computer, and every so often I take a sip of water.

Fifth step, guess what? Get some exercise.

During my adolescence I did not do a single day of exercise, while my classmates were all athletes. This really hurt me because if I had exercised a young man, would have gained a lot of muscle mass and now have another type of constitution. Fortunately, this is very changeable and, now that I have a few more years, I used to get some exercise, which comes like pearls to me. But it is clear that if I were asked a good advice to lose weight, this would be my favorite.

Of course, if you have any more advice, you could put it in the comments. Perhaps some include it in my daily routine.

In case you can't do it by yourself, my recommended product for your metabolism is this one:

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